Animals in the Red Sea in Egypt - colorful life at the bottom of the sea


The contrast couldn't be greater: While the popular holiday destination Egypt is a barren desert state, full of mountains, dry steppes and sand dunes, the Red Sea is a colorful paradise full of life. Many travelers come to North Africa every year to dive and snorkel - because there are so many fascinating animals to discover in the Red Sea. Which sea creatures can you discover? Which creatures are dangerous? And what should you definitely pay attention to when making contact? I have been diving in Egypt over 20 times in the past 20 years - and would like to share my experiences with you in this post.

My main reason for visiting the Red Sea so often is the underwater world. You put on your diving mask and immerse yourself in a completely strange world beyond the surface of the water. You immediately see strange creatures - colorful fish on impressive coral reefs, turtles and rays. There is a saying among divers: you can see more animals in the sea in ten minutes than in ten hours in a forest. And this is particularly true in the Red Sea.

There is a saying among divers: you can see more animals in the sea in ten minutes than in ten hours in a forest. And this is particularly true in the Red Sea.

Sascha Tegtmeyer

The Red Sea is home to a diverse underwater world with an astonishing number of animals, primarily fish. Divers and snorkelers from all over the world come here to experience the beauty and fascination of this unique environment. After I have often talked about the... Sharks in the Red Sea I would now like to introduce the other, at least equally fascinating, animals in the Red Sea. Water temperatures are warm year-round – up to 32 degrees Celsius in summer – resulting in a variety of habitats for an incredible diversity of species.

Video – Animals in the Red Sea

Below I have selected a video for you in which you can see the diverse marine life of the Red Sea beautifully.


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Animals in the Red Sea.

The Red Sea is like a tropical rainforest underwater

The Red Sea is like a tropical rainforest underwater. It is known for its rich biodiversity and the impressive clarity of its water. When diving you can often see up to 50 meters and even further. You can really see a lot and can see from a distance when a shark, a manta ray or even a whale shark is present. These features attract numerous diving and snorkeling enthusiasts every year. Beneath the surface of the sea lies a world that stands in stark contrast to the arid landscapes of... Egypt stands.

Dolphins are one of my highlights of diving and snorkeling in the Red Sea.
Dolphins are one of my highlights of diving and snorkeling in the Red Sea. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

The Red Sea's coral reefs are some of the healthiest and most diverse in the world. They are home to an impressive range of marine life – including over 1.200 different species of fish and more than 200 species of coral. From small, colorful reef dwellers like clownfish and parrotfish to larger, impressive species like dolphins, manta rays and various Shark species – the fauna of the Red Sea offers a fascinating insight into marine biodiversity.

Dangers in the underwater world of the Red Sea?

However, this underwater world also harbors dangers. Some species, such as the lionfish or various sharks such as tiger sharks and bull sharks, can pose a threat if encountered without caution. It is therefore crucial to be aware of this Diving or snorkeling familiarize yourself with the potential risks and take appropriate precautions.

Watching animals in the Red Sea is a great privilege. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Watching animals in the Red Sea is a great privilege.

In addition to the marine animals already mentioned, there are also a variety of less visible organisms that play a crucial role in the Red Sea ecosystem. Microorganisms such as plankton form the base of the food chain and support life throughout the system. The impressive whale shark, which pretty much every diver hopes to see one day, feeds on them.

In the following sections, I will go into more detail about some of the Red Sea's most notable marine animals, explaining their distinctive features and sharing tips for safe underwater encounters. I will also point out the importance of protection this unique marine environment and the measures that can be taken to preserve its biodiversity for future generations.

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Diverse life in the Red Sea

It's not without reason that I traveled to Egypt so often to dive. Life in the Red Sea is incredibly diverse. This habitat is so rich that the Red Sea is one of the most beautiful diving areas in the world. So many creatures you can see under the sea surface.

When diving in the Red Sea you can expect not only millions of colorful fish, but with a bit of luck also sharks, dolphins, turtles, rays and even whale sharks. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
When diving in the Red Sea you can expect not only millions of colorful fish, but with a bit of luck also sharks, dolphins, turtles, rays and even whale sharks. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

As barren as Egypt is on land, the Red Sea offers abundance. Egypt has its tropical rainforest practically beneath the surface of the water. Which Marine animals in the Red Sea can you observe? And which animals can be dangerous to you while swimming. I have listed them all for you below.

1. Colorful corals on impressive reefs

When diving you can experience the beauty of the... coral reefs see in particular. The colorful creatures create impressive structures that often contain thousands of colorful fish. The magnificent reefs with their diverse marine life are the reason why many travelers come to the Red Sea. But corals are not just living works of art, they are also important ecosystems - they are the tropical rainforests of the Red Sea in Egypt. The coral reefs of the Red Sea provide habitat and food for thousands of marine animals and plants.

Corals are not plants, but living beings - they belong to the animal kingdom of the Red Sea.
Corals are not plants, but living beings - they belong to the animal kingdom of the Red Sea. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

They are also a source of income and tourism for people living on the coast. The coral reefs of the Red Sea are distinguished by their diversity and splendor. There are more than 250 different species of coral, coming in all shapes, colors and sizes. The reefs consist of Stony corals, soft corals, horn corals and sea ​​fans, each playing its own role in the reef. The most common coral species in the Red Sea include horn coral, blue coral and tube coral, which are often swarmed by colorful fish.

In Egypt you will find some of the most beautiful, intact coral reefs in the world. By the way, corals are animals - not plants. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
In Egypt you will find some of the most beautiful, intact coral reefs in the world. By the way, corals are animals - not plants. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

However, the Red Sea corals are in danger. They are suffering from the consequences of climate change, which is leading to rising water temperatures, acidification and coral bleaching. They are also threatened by overfishing, pollution and destruction. If we don't act, we could lose this wonderful underwater world. That's why we have to choose that Protection and the conservation of the Red Sea's coral reefs.

2. Magnificent fish in all colors and shapes - over 1.200 different species

The Red Sea is a paradise for anyone who wants to experience the beauty and diversity of sea life. In this body of water you will find over 1.200 different species of fish, which differ in shape, size, color and behavior. Many of them are so colorful and eye-catching that you feel like you're in a giant aquarium. One of the most popular fish species in the Red Sea is the marlin, which is one of the fastest fish in the world and can grow up to four meters long.

They often travel in large schools and hunt smaller fish. The scorpionfish are also very impressive, especially the lionfish, the dragonfish and the stonefish. These fish have poisonous spines that they use to protect themselves from predators. They are very well camouflaged and adapt to their surroundings. So you should always be careful where you step or reach.

The Red Sea is home to an amazing biodiversity of over 1.200 species of fish.
The Red Sea is home to an astonishing biodiversity of over 1.200 species of fish.

The angelfish, parrotfish, anemonefish, surgeonfish and butterflyfish are some of the most colorful fish in the Red Sea. They often have bright colors and striking patterns that help them hide or communicate in the coral reefs. These fish mostly feed on algae or small crustaceans and are very peaceful.

There's a lot going on on the reef

The trumpet fish, the damselfish, the anthias and the reef sharks are other interesting fish species in the Red Sea. The trumpet fish have a long, thin body and can change color. They use their shape to pretend to be plant stems or to surprise other fish. The damselfish and the anthias are small to medium-sized fish that often live in groups and show complex social behavior. Reef sharks are the most common sharks in the Red Sea and can grow up to three meters long. They are mostly harmless to humans, but you should still keep a respectful distance.

Many moray eels also live on the coral reefs in the Red Sea. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Many moray eels also live on the coral reefs in the Red Sea. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

In addition to these fish species, there are many others in the Red Sea, such as puffer fish, boxfish, bigeye bass and triggerfish. These fish all have their own special characteristics and make diving or snorkeling in the Red Sea an unforgettable experience. The Red Sea is also a habitat for some of the largest predatory fish in the world, such as barracuda, tuna and moray eels.

3. Sea turtles

Sea turtles are fascinating creatures that have inhabited the oceans for millions of years. They are endangered species and need our protection. In Egypt you have the unique chance to observe these beautiful animals in their natural habitat. Whether you dive or snorkel, you'll be amazed by the diversity and beauty of sea turtles.

The Marsa Alam region is a particularly good place to spot turtles. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
The Marsa Alam region is a particularly good place to spot turtles. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

In Egypt you can see both real and loggerhead turtles. Hawksbill turtles have a brown shell with yellow spots, while loggerhead turtles have an olive green shell with dark rings. Both species feed primarily on sponges, jellyfish and other invertebrates.

I love sea turtles - and you can often see them while diving and snorkeling in Egypt. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
I love sea turtles - and in Egypt you can often see them while diving and snorkeling. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Curious and friendly animals

Sea turtles are very curious and friendly. They are often accompanied by divers and snorkelers and show them their underwater world. I still remember the day I dived with a sea turtle for half an hour. It was an unforgettable experience that I will never forget.

Sea turtles deserve our respect and admiration. If you encounter them, you should behave calmly and carefully and give them enough space. Don't touch her or chase her. They are wild animals that have their own rhythm. If you follow these rules, you will have a wonderful time with the sea turtles.

4. Dolphins

When I dive or snorkel in the Red Sea, I always look forward to meeting dolphins. These wonderful animals are not only very intelligent, but also very social. They live in large family groups that can often be seen gliding through the water and jumping out of the water as a huge school. Dolphins are very curious and friendly towards people and other marine animals.

Free-living dolphins in the Red Sea - with luck you can see them. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Free-living dolphins in the Red Sea - if you're lucky you can see them. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, gestures and body language. They also have a strong memory and can remember individual individuals. Dolphins are fascinating creatures that deserve our respect and protection. It is an unforgettable experience to observe them in their natural habitat and learn about their behavior and personality.

5. Manatees (Dugongs)

An unforgettable experience I had in the Red Sea was snorkeling with one Manatee in Marsa Alam. Manatees, also known as dugongs, are fascinating mammals that only live in salt water and feed on sea grass. They are very rare and threatened with extinction because their habitat, the seagrass meadows, is being increasingly destroyed. That's why it was a great honor for me to see a manatee up close.

Marsa Mubarak's manatee rummages through the ground for food and doesn't let itself be disturbed at all. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer Seekuh Egypt experiences Dugong Marsa Alam Marsa Mubarak
Marsa Mubarak's manatee rummages through the ground for food and doesn't let itself be disturbed at all. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Manatees are very peaceful and gentle animals that move slowly and gracefully through the water. They are very curious and sometimes allow themselves to be accompanied by snorkelers if they do not feel threatened. There are several places in the Red Sea where you can see manatees, especially in shallow areas of the coast and lagoons where seaweed grows.

My encounter with a manatee was perhaps the most beautiful encounter I have ever had with animals in Egypt. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
My encounter with a manatee was perhaps the most beautiful encounter I have ever had with animals in Egypt. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

I was very impressed by the beauty and character of these animals and developed a lot of respect for them. I hope that they can live in the Red Sea for a long time and that we humans do everything we can to preserve their habitat. Manatees are a valuable part of the ecosystem and deserve our protection. If you ever want to see a manatee, you can contact a responsible diving school who will show you the best places and explain how you should behave so as not to disturb the animals.

6. Rays – Blue spotted rays, manta rays and eagle rays

In addition to an impressive variety of corals and fish, you can also observe various types of rays here. The elegant sea creatures glide majestically through the clear water and offer a fascinating spectacle. Blue spotted rays are easily recognized by their characteristic blue spots on their backs. They are relatively small, but their presence is a highlight for every diver. With a bit of luck, you can see the shy animals up close as they glide gently across the sandy bottom.

Blue spotted rays are easily recognized by their characteristic blue spots on their backs. They are relatively small, but their presence is a highlight for every diver. With a bit of luck, you can see the shy animals up close as they glide gently across the sandy bottom. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Blue spotted rays are easily recognized by their characteristic blue spots on their backs. They are relatively small, but their presence is a highlight for every diver. With a bit of luck, you can see the shy animals up close as they glide gently across the sandy bottom. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Manta rays are the giants among the rays in the Red Sea and a sight that makes divers' hearts beat faster. With their impressive wingspan of up to seven meters, they elegantly circle in the water. Encountering a manta ray is an unforgettable experience that should not be missed. Eagle rays are also native to the Red Sea and impress with their distinctive wing shape, which is reminiscent of the wings of an eagle. Their gentle movements and calm demeanor make encountering these animals a calming and at the same time exciting experience.

Blue spotted rays are delicate animals – and quite beautiful to look at. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Blue spotted rays are delicate animals – and quite beautiful to look at. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

The underwater world of the Red Sea offers an impressive diversity, ranging from the small blue spotted rays to the majestic manta rays. The clear water and the rich marine flora and fauna make every dive an unforgettable adventure. The rays of the Red Sea are an integral part of this fascinating underwater world, and their grace and elegance captivate anyone lucky enough to experience them in their natural habitat.

7. Sharks – the graceful predatory fish in the Red Sea

Egypt's Red Sea is an impressive home to more than 40 different shark species, which fascinate both beginner divers and experienced snorkelers. A commonly encountered species are reef sharks, which mainly live in the shallow waters near coral reefs. Representatives of this group include the blacktip reef shark, the whitetip reef shark and the gray reef shark. Although these sharks are mostly reserved and harmless to humans, it is advisable to maintain a calm demeanor and keep a safe distance.

Every diver dreams of seeing a whale shark while diving in Egypt. Animals in Egypt
Every diver dreams of seeing a whale shark while diving in Egypt. Photo: Olga ga / Unsplash

The blacktip reef shark is characterized by its light gray body with black fin tips, while the whitetip reef shark has a slimmer and darker body with white fin tips. The gray reef shark, slightly bulkier and gray in color with a white belly, is larger than its two relatives.

Many pelagic species on the outer reefs

In addition to the reef sharks, the Red Sea is also home to various deep-sea sharks, which primarily reside in deeper and more open waters. I even travel to Egypt as a diver specifically to have the opportunity to see these sharks in places like the Brother Islands or Elphinstone near Marsa Alam. These include the oceanic blacktip shark and the oceanic whitetip shark (also known as Longimanus).

These sharks are more outgoing and daring compared to the reef sharks and tend to inspect divers or snorkelers closer out of curiosity. The oceanic blacktip shark is recognizable by its slender body with a black band on the dorsal fin, while the oceanic whitetip shark is notable for its powerful body with long, pointed fins. Both species can reach a length of up to three meters.

In addition, a number of other shark species can be spotted in the Red Sea, including the hammerhead shark, silvertip shark, whale shark, sand tiger shark, bull shark, thresher shark, tiger shark, silky shark, sicklefin lemon shark, dusky shark and mako shark. These sharks are rare and can usually only be seen during special liveaboards.

8. Stonefish and triggerfish – the most dangerous marine animals in the Red Sea?

Not all marine life in the Red Sea is harmless. Some of them can seriously harm you if you get too close. In this blog post you will learn which two sea animals you should definitely avoid when traveling in the Red Sea: the stonefish and the triggerfish.

Look more harmless than they are: Triggerfish pursue people with great endurance and can bite very painfully. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Look more harmless than they are: Triggerfish pursue people with great endurance and can bite very painfully. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Stonefish – the invisible danger

Stonefish are the most poisonous fish in the world. They have 13 spines on their backs that are connected to a poisonous gland. If you step on or touch a stonefish, it will inject you with its venom, which can cause severe pain, swelling, paralysis, and even cardiac arrest. The problem is that you can hardly recognize a stonefish. It camouflages itself perfectly as a stone or coral and remains motionless on the seabed. He only attacks when he feels threatened.

Beautiful and highly poisonous - a scorpion fish on the reef in Egypt. If you accidentally touch it, you have a problem. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Beautiful and highly poisonous - a scorpion fish on the reef in Egypt. If you accidentally touch it, you have a problem. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Therefore, when swimming or snorkeling in the Red Sea, you should always be careful where you step or reach. It's best to wear shoes or fins and don't touch anything you don't know. If you see a stonefish, stay away and admire it from a safe distance. If you suffer a stonefish sting, you must act immediately. Seek medical attention or call 45. Try to bleed and disinfect the wound. Place the affected area in hot water (as hot as you can without burning yourself) to neutralize the poison. The poison is sensitive to heat and loses its effectiveness at temperatures above XNUMX degrees Celsius.

Triggerfish – the aggressive territorial defenders

Triggerfish are colorful and beautiful to look at. They have powerful jaws that allow them to crack corals and shells. They are usually peaceful and curious, but they can also be very territorial. They become true fighting machines, especially during the mating season when they want to protect their eggs or young animals. Triggerfish have no problem attacking people when they are in their territory. They can swim very quickly and bite powerfully with their jaws. They don't let go easily and can even tear pieces out of your skin.

Another scorpionfish lurking for prey on a coral. Be very careful of these fish. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer
Another scorpionfish lurking for prey on a coral. Be very careful of these fish. Photo: Sascha Tegtmeyer

Therefore, when diving or snorkeling in the Red Sea, you should always be alert to see if you see a triggerfish nearby. Recognize the warning signs: If he lowers his head, raises his fins, or shows his teeth, he's trying to tell you to go away. Respect his territory and keep your distance. If he chases or attacks you, don't fight back. Instead, try to stay calm and back away slowly.

Hello, I'm Sascha Tobias Tegtmeyer from Hamburg - and a real beach child with heart and soul! Sea fan, travel lover and always up for an adventure. On my travel blog and the social media channels of Strandkind Travels, I combine my love of traveling and nature with a passion for water sports such as stand-up paddling, diving and surfing. I am a journalist, author and blogger - and I am naturally curious when I get to know new travel destinations and then write about them in detail. As a technology fan, when I'm traveling with my family or alone, I'm always happy to bring a few travel gadgets with me for testing purposes. My favorite travel countries, which I also prefer to write about in my travel blog: USA, Thailand and Maldives.
About the author

I'm just a curious beach kid in the world

Hello, I am Sascha Tobias Tegtmeyer from Hamburg – and a real beach child with heart and soul! Sea fan, travel lover and always up for an adventure. On my travel blog and the social media channels of Strandkind Travels, I combine my love of traveling and nature with a passion for water sports such as stand-up paddling, diving and surfing. I am a journalist, author and blogger - and I am naturally curious when I get to know new travel destinations and then write about them in detail. As a technology fan, when I'm traveling with my family or alone, I'm always happy to bring a few travel gadgets with me for testing purposes. My favorite travel countries, which I also prefer to write about in my travel blog: USA, Thailand and Maldives.

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Animals in the Red Sea in Egypt – fascinating creatures or danger when swimming?

My detailed conclusion

I think I can tell you stories for days about my encounters with animals in the Red Sea in Egypt. Most of the meetings were very positive. I observed the creatures while diving and snorkeling, photographed them and then went on our way. However, I have also been chased by a triggerfish several times.

This is very unpleasant for divers because the animals bite. They usually bite into the fin. It's even more unpleasant if they follow you while swimming or snorkeling. Then you should really accelerate and get out of there.

Again: beware of stonefish and scorpionfish

However, the most dangerous encounters are those with scorpionfish or stonefish. The animals are super poisonous and you don't see them. At one point while diving we had very strong currents on the reef and the only way to avoid being pulled away was to hold on to some dead coral. There was a stonefish sitting underneath.

If I had grabbed two centimeters further to the right, I probably wouldn't be writing this article today. Therefore: Enjoy the wonderful wildlife in the Red Sea and observe them from a distance if possible. Because the tropical rainforest in Egypt is underwater - and enjoying it is a great privilege.

Have you ever been to Egypt? Which animals have you seen in the Red Sea? Share your experiences in the comments!


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