Test reports, experience reports & travel reports at Just-Wanderlust.com


Reviews are omnipresent – ​​and as the name suggests, we use them to assign a certain value to a product or service. It's usually somewhere between great and pathetic. We love telling others what we think is great - and what we don't like at all. It's no different in an online magazine. Many articles in our travel blog Just-Wanderlust.com are test reports, experience reports and travel reports. But how do we design our reviews? And what are our special features? I have listed our practices for dealing with evaluative contributions for you.

The most beautiful trip you have ever taken. The only camera I still need on vacation. The best hotel on the Mediterranean that a friend's mother has ever visited. We constantly evaluate what we experience, what we use and what we surround ourselves with. In other words: We share our experiences with products, services and places. Conversely, we are surrounded by endless choices when we search for products, services and places.

Which smartphone should I buy if I want to take good photos on vacation? Which smartwatch is ideal for my sport? Should I on this one Destination prefer one Hotel or book a holiday accommodation? Questions upon questions – and the answers can have a huge impact on our lives. After all, vacation is a valuable time and we want to use the smartphone for several years.

We take our task seriously

At Just-Wanderlust.com we take the task of helping you through the jungle of possibilities very, very seriously when it comes to products, services and places related to travel and vacation. With our carefully crafted reviews such as reviews, product reviews and travel reports, we strive to provide you with clear, authentic and helpful information.

We adhere to these in all reviews Google Standards for Quality Reviews, which provide a valuable guide for creating high-quality and trustworthy reviews. But how exactly do we go about ensuring the quality and reliability of our content?

Product tests related to travel and vacation – which sports watch should I take with me on my next trip? Photo: Michael B.
Product tests related to travel and vacation – which sports watch should I take with me on my next trip? Photo: Michael B.

The criteria for high-quality test reports, experience reports and travel reports

If you want to write a meaningful and useful review of a product, service or place, all you have to do is apply your public spirit and inform your readers the way you would want to be informed about a product. Ultimately it's that simple.

I want to know whether I should buy a product, book a service or visit a place - or whether I should leave it alone. And that's exactly how we handle it in ours Travel Blog. Since we are a travel magazine, all of our product tests, testimonials and travel reports are on the topic Travel and vacation designed.

We write the product reviews that we would like to read if we buy a particular product. Below I have listed the standards by which we at Just-Wanderlust.com use our test reports, reviews and... Travel reports . write

1. Expertise and independence

As passionate bloggers and conscientious editors, our goal is always to provide you with an informed and impartial perspective. We often have years of experience in our respective areas of expertise and share our in-depth knowledge with you. This applies to both the travel experience when it comes to travel reports and the technical experience when it comes to travel gadgets such as the best camera for vacation. We only write about services and products that we are familiar with - i.e. have expertise.

There is also the aspect of independence. Occasionally we receive products and services from companies for testing. In this case we mark our contributions as “advertising/ Sponsored Post“ or “Unpaid advertising / product testing”. At Just Wanderlust we always reserve the right to write a critical review if it is appropriate. Our Other Partners know that and accept it. Since we generally test products that we think are good and that we stand behind, it is rare that we test inferior products.

2. User-centered perspective

Write the review the way you would like to read it. We take this principle to heart like a mantra. Because the basis of every good review is the view from the user perspective. We look at products ourselves, hold them in our hands or are of course on site at the travel destinations we report on. For our test reports, experience reports and travel reports, we test the products and services in detail, without shyness and very intensively.

After all, a robust smartwatch for travel is only really robust if it can really take a beating. A travel destination is only worth seeing if the reality on site matches the impressions described. We research how the product or service works in everyday life and how it can be useful to you on vacation or in everyday life.

3. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a product

There are advantages and disadvantages to every product, every service and every place. We usually list them in as much detail as possible in our articles. Product tests in particular often have a long list of strengths and weaknesses after a test. We also list the strengths and weaknesses clearly in a list so that readers can identify them without major detours. We also strive to present a balanced view by exposing both the positive and negative aspects of a product or service.

4. Multimedia content and links

We certainly still have some catching up to do in this area and will produce more of our own videos for our test reports in the future. Basically, multimedia content and links are important elements in making our content appealing and understandable. We use images, videos, audio and interactive elements to convey the most important information to you and offer you a lively learning experience. We also offer you links to further sources that will help you deepen and expand your knowledge.

5. Quantitative assessment

We base our reviews, where they exist, on solid data and facts that show you how well a product or service works and what it offers you. This way you can easily see and compare the advantages and disadvantages of different options on the market. We will help you make an informed decision that meets your needs and expectations.

6. Comparison with the competition

To make the pros and cons of the product or service clear, it is important to compare it with other offerings on the market. We analyze what sets the reviewed product or service apart from its competitors and for which use cases it is particularly suitable. However, it is sometimes difficult to compare with the competition - especially if you don't have all the products on site to test. It's a bit like comparing apples with oranges, because products and services - including in the travel sector - are often aimed at completely different target groups.

7. Improvements and Updates

Progress is the path to real improvements - and especially when you take a close look at a product, you have many suggestions for improvement. Whenever I visit a hotel, I always have a whole list of ideas in my head that could help to quickly and noticeably improve the on-site user experience. The situation is similar, of course, with technical devices such as a camera on vacation. We examine what improvements have been made over previous models or versions and what issues have been resolved. This requires long-term expertise – which we usually have.

8. Design evaluation

A good design is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. However, evaluating the aesthetics of a design is also something highly subjective. Nevertheless, you can certainly explain why you find a design particularly successful or unsuccessful. We evaluate how the design of a product or service influences the user experience, going beyond mere manufacturer specifications.

9. Useful resources and links

We do not believe that we have eaten wisdom with spoons. In tests, experience reports and travel reports, we can only describe our experiences and explain why we have formed a certain opinion about something. Other testers might see it completely differently. That's why we provide you with links to further useful information and alternative points of sale so that you can make a well-informed decision.

10. Recommendations and Rankings

Sometimes you need a clear recommendation. When we highlight a product or service, we base this on our personal experiences. Our rankings offer you a quick overview and help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

11. Transparency in affiliate links

Honesty is the best policy. We use affiliate links to support our work, but are always transparent and do not let this influence our reviews. Most of our affiliate links lead to Amazon, where many of the products we review are listed. I would like to emphasize again at this point: We largely use the products and services that we review and rate in the blog ourselves. We therefore have no bad conscience about providing a partner link to the respective product. Especially since you as a buyer don’t pay anything extra – the selling price remains the same for the buyer. Only the seller pays us a commission.

12. Use of artificial intelligence (AI)

There is now no alternative to the use of artificial intelligence. There's no need to fool yourself. Anyone who forgoes the use of AI in the future will be at an extreme competitive disadvantage in most industries and will probably disappear from the market. That also applies to Influencers, Blogs and therefore of course for travel blogs. When working on the travel blog Just-Wanderlust.com, we also use artificial intelligence for various purposes, which can also affect experience reports, product tests and travel reports. We are committed to using AI responsibly, which we do in our AI guidelines have held on.

Test reports, experience reports and travel reports at Just-Wanderlust.com

My detailed conclusion

We have a lot of fun evaluating products, services and places on the travel blog Just-Wanderlust.com in test reports, experience reports and travel reports. Our product reviews are often quite positive - and there is a specific reason for this: We mostly evaluate products and services that we use or would use ourselves and that we think are good in order to recommend them to our users.

One thing has to be made very clear: the art of reviewing is a balancing act between factual evaluation and personal experience. At Just-Wanderlust.com we are committed to providing you with high quality, honest and informative reviews to help you make the best decisions. No matter whether it's about the best camera for your vacation or the right hotel for your next trip - we tell you authentically and honestly what we think of a product.

By following the above best practices for our reviews, testimonials and travel stories, we strive to provide you with a clearer understanding and valuable insight into the products, services and destinations that have piqued your interest. Our goal is to make your journey through the endless possibilities out there a little easier and more enjoyable.