Shark species in the Red Sea – dangerous for holidaymakers when swimming?

Shark species in the Red Sea – dangerous for holidaymakers when swimming?

On holiday in Egypt you want to go swimming, snorkeling or diving and are wondering which sharks are native to the Red Sea? Or you just want to bathe and want to know which animal species are gliding under your feet. There are over 40 different species of sharks in the Red Sea. Is there any danger to humans and how many shark attacks are there in the Red Sea? And we clarify which marine animal - not the shark - is really dangerous in the Red Sea. 

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Shark Protection Tips - What Can We Do?

Shark Protection Tips - What Can We Do?

Sharks are graceful, fascinating and shy sea creatures that need to be protected and conserved. The predatory fish have lived on our planet for millions of years and have adapted perfectly to their environment in the course of evolution. They play an important...

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